Rory Roberts - CEO EON Risk Services ltd
I set up EON Risk Services Ltd in 2020, to offer easy access to precious metal products. Through my social media I try to educate and highlight upcoming financial challenges. I am a Financial Risk Manager by trade, and I offer personal consultations to advise on risks that might be particular to you. This service is available globally, so don't hesitate to book in a session with me, my calendar can be accessed by clicking the below button which will bring you to my consultation website.
About Us
In the summer of 2022, I made a Tik Tok video in front of Aras an Uachtarain (The Irish Presidents House for non-Irish), where I recommended that every Irish person who could afford it own at least One Troy Ounce of gold. One Troy Ounce because if all the gold ever mined were distributed equally amongst all the adults worldwide, then each person would have just under One Troy Ounce. I have worked in Risk Management for 20 years and I keep a close eye on what is happening in the economy. All the signs indicate to me that we are heading into a period of currency crisis. Currencies look set to devalue as debt burdens have grown astronomically, and the amount of currency in circulation is increasing at an ever higher rate. There are also increasing concerns about digital currencies which are on the horizon, and how they may impact the freedom and autonomy of a person to transact how they like.
Although we in Ireland have had an obsession with housing for decades, it is very understandable given the history of our country. Ireland also has an ancient connection with precious metals, predating the strife with our neighbours. The first gold in Ireland was produced some 4500 year ago, in 2500 BCE. Wicklow and Tyrone were rich sources of gold. Ireland has a plethora of world famous treasures made of gold, such as Lunulae, gorgets, ear spools, and penannular rings. Some of the finest craftsmanship of the early church are also made from silver and gold such as the Ardagh chalice. Everyone has heard of the Irish myth of gold at the end of a rainbow, while this may be a myth, gold and rainbows are both deeply embedded in Ireland
This however is not what led me into promoting or selling gold, it is more my life and financial experience that led in me toward seeing its benefits.
I graduated from U.C.D in Science way back in 1998, I specialised in Math and Physics. During the dot com boom I landed a job as financial computer programmer. This lead me down the road of learning more about Risk Management and Finance. In 2007 I became a Certified Risk Manager from the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). After this I became a trader for the Irish subsidiary of a Swiss insurance company. This led me to Switzerland, where I spent most of the decade of 2010's, working in Swiss financial institutions in Zurich.
There, I gained an appreciation for the Swiss culture and its historical connections with Ireland, such as the Irish missionary St Gallus' founding of the Monastery of St Gallen in the 7th century. The Swiss today value their neutrality deeply and their independence. They value gold as an asset and have deep historical ties with the precious metals.
As Ireland has grown increasingly more wealthy, some make comparisons between Ireland and Switzerland. There are some stark differences, the inequality in Ireland is much more prevalent and in no small part due to our attitude to housing as an investment.
I want to highlight to younger people that there are long term alternatives to investing in housing, precious metals offer long term stability of wealth. A person can invest in precious metals with what ever wealth they have. In that way they can avoid the pitfalls of the debt trap, that imprison so many people.
For me precious metals are not just beautiful trinkets, they offer freedom, independence, and certainty about the future.
Follow me on TikTok or YouTube for regular commentary on global economic issues.
And thank you for visiting my store!
I hope to get to know you!